ArtTO’s series “What Art World Do You Want To Create?”
Artists, creators, how do you want to use your voice?
Sat with @art_toronto a month and half into COVID-19, and while our world is now experiencing a new pain and trauma over this past weeks incidents with George Floyd, Regis, Amy Cooper and the violence throughout the US, our black communities and beyond… the message is still the same. What art world do we want to create during and after this time?
Curators, programmers, facilitators and storytellers—what voices do we need/want to represent and make space for?
ArtTO’s series “What Art World Do You Want To Create?” continues with Ashley McKenzie-Barnes (@ashleymckenziebarnes), Independent Curator and Creative Director. The series follows conversations between Art Toronto Director Mia Nielsen (@seekthesublime) and art world leaders on aspirations for a post-pandemic world.