Fido Pride 2020: Connect to Accept
Pride is looking very different for us this year, but we’re still finding those small ways to be together while being apart, and also reinforcing the importance of connecting with people who are different from us.
As we enter Pride Month, myself and Meghan Yuri Young have a discussion with Fido via Frede Rioux around our individual responsibilities to take a stand against prejudice in all forms. Connection in diversity makes us all stronger and this Fido 2020 Pride Campaign asks “What happens when you Connect to Accept?”
You can check our discussion here, as we unpack the importance of using your platform to speak out about inclusion and matters around the LGBTQ2A+ and Black communities.
Go to Fido’s Instagram to see the full Instagram Live session with @ashleymckenziebarnes, @meghanyuriyoung, @frederioux, @sofondacoxto, @maven_of_mayhem, and @stephencovic! Because acceptance starts with connecting. #GoGetProud!